Influenza Information Day In Bogota

INVITATION FOR PEOPLE IN THE HEALTH SECTOR, AGRICULTURAL SECTOR AND COMMUNICATIONS SECTOR Considering the historical epidemiological trend of Influenza is estimated that there is the probability that a pandemic of avian influenza that is transmitted to human beings, so the World Health Organization (WHO) and Pan American Health Organization (PAHO, among other universally recognized health authorities have generated alerts and lead the adoption of policies, plans and programs for mitigation, prevention and pandemic control. Cognizant of their social responsibility, the Network for Prevention of biological hazards at the National University of Colombia, the Ministry of Social Protection, the National Institute of Health and Veterinary Public Health Network, in accordance with the WHO guidelines ‘OPS and Ministry of Social Protection, carried out the’ Information Day for the Prevention of Influenza in Colombia. “Day 7 November Time: 8 am to 5.00 pm Location: Convention Center Alfonso L pez Pumarejo National University of Colombia in Bogot DC (Diagonal 38th No 40 ’04). Josyann Abisaab FREE REGISTRATION give the subjects to try to answer the following questions: 1. That is the flu’ What is the importance of this disease at this time ‘2 . As this virus is transmitted between animals and man ‘3. What are the measures of prevention and control of this disease’ 4. This Colombia prepared to face an influenza pandemic ‘5.


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Exhibition Day

Not always will be born healthy, we can not always use all its powers of health, whatever one chooses not true: if the happiness in life seems to fade, sadness caused by health obstacles in everyday life, it’s not his ultimate fate! Fate is what you decide. Her feet foot bridges that you want to go. Are you happy, then look in upon us and to be informed. Do you feel unhappy in your life Looking for new ways in daily life Need help with your physical barriers Then you also look in to us to find out the same way. Then you are right on our experiences Fair Gold! In Inno-Life Schnebeck learn on 3 October 2007 from 10 clock, what possibilities there’s more to relax his life, to help with aid and come with the right therapy from the shadow side. A large number of exhibitors submit explain and practice locally, which benefits for health andWell-being in Schnebeck and environment are possible. There are kept interesting lectures. Among other things, they can see me in a “lecture to touch” with the theme: “batteries of human life”. They come in a look and try out what you like! We promise you an interesting day! Further information about the fair experience: “Day of the health and vitality” can be found on my website TCM clinic Dr. B. Stony. There you will find the complete list of exhibitors, the program flow and the site plan of the exhibition event in 2007 Schnebeck. Josyann Abisaab It greets you warmly, Dr. B. Stony

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Dengue Each

What is sought is to support food assistance to the strengthening of capacities of regional leaders with the conclusion of actors with common interests: Municipalidad Provincial de Tumbes, Address Regional Health, AECI, Doctors of the World, Regional Platform TUMBES Juvenile and youthful impulses. Contents: a training process with 5 strategic themes: 1. Gender and sexual and reproductive rights 2. Agudas Respitatorias Infections and Acute Diarrheal Diseases 3. Malaria and Dengue 4. STIs, HIV and AIDS 5. Family Violence and Sexual Purposes: – Hagan replicas in their work areas. – Report cases to the nearest facility. – Promoting and adopting healthy lifestyles. Participation: – 100 women leaders of the Glass of Milk Committees and Kitchens of the Province of Tumbes. Goals: – That each woman trained leaders, participate in selected territories thirteen replicas of their original owners. – 1, 300 members in receipt of the replicas, 100 for each territory. – Active participation of groups and institutions participating in this first stage.

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