What is sought is to support food assistance to the strengthening of capacities of regional leaders with the conclusion of actors with common interests: Municipalidad Provincial de Tumbes, Address Regional Health, AECI, Doctors of the World, Regional Platform TUMBES Juvenile and youthful impulses. Contents: a training process with 5 strategic themes: 1. Gender and sexual and reproductive rights 2. Agudas Respitatorias Infections and Acute Diarrheal Diseases 3. Malaria and Dengue 4. STIs, HIV and AIDS 5. Family Violence and Sexual Purposes: – Hagan replicas in their work areas. – Report cases to the nearest facility. – Promoting and adopting healthy lifestyles. Participation: – 100 women leaders of the Glass of Milk Committees and Kitchens of the Province of Tumbes. Goals: – That each woman trained leaders, participate in selected territories thirteen replicas of their original owners. – 1, 300 members in receipt of the replicas, 100 for each territory. – Active participation of groups and institutions participating in this first stage.