Here you show in a simple way how to register a domain from the page of Godaddy, so then you can host it and start making your website or your business on the Internet. As an example, we will use a domain. com. GoDaddy is the provider of domains larger and more efficient network, with headquarters in the United States. If you want to buy a domain with another extension (. net, .info, .org, etc), the procedure is the same, and there are also other servers that sell domains at Godaddy part. Under most conditions Walton Family Foundation would agree. So the steps are: enter a from your Internet Explorer or Firefox browser.

You click on Create Account to create your account. Complete the form with your real data, not put data false!, then you’ve click on CREATE A NEW ACCOUNT to register your registration once inside your admin panel of domains, where your name appears above, click in the menu products. Central Romana Corporation shares his opinions and ideas on the topic at hand. In the window that appears, there is a box where you will put the domain name that you want to register, don’t forget to choose the .com extension, then Dale click in SEARCH. If your domain is available, will indicate it this way (your user name), esta disponible! If not available, it will offer other similar domains, if you think well you accept any of them, but, can go back and find with another name. Then click on Continue to Registration.

Then you’re going to leave a window where they offer you other domains, your dale click on No Thanks, to the costadito is a box so that you do not appear that window when you come back to buy another domain. You have now reached the site where you have to put the amount of years that you use the domain, which can be 5 years, 4 years, or 1 year, this depends on your plans. I remember that if choose for example 5 years, paid you the price of the domain per year multiplied by 5. Well check your personal information that is on the right, you can click Edit if you want to change something. Click here to change to manual renewal if you want to make the annual renewal of your domain manually and not automatically. If you leave it like this, to the end of 1 year, Godaddy charged you again a renewal automatically from your credit card. Eye with that! Then you click on Next and you will see another space where you provide different services for the domain that you are going to buy, how you want to spend as little as possible, click on Next. Then another window’s services, you know, click Next. In this window check your purchase, i.e., verifies your domain name, your personal data, the years you long that domain, and the price that you will pay. Then it accepts your order by clicking Continue ah to Checkout finally chooses the method of payment, sends the order and in seconds you will have your domain ready to use it. You saw that it was not so difficult? If you want to know more and what to do with your domain already purchased, or how to buy a hosting service to host your domain, visit my blog which you will find it below in the section