Intimate secrets to improve the self-esteem I know very well that you have to do you, to achieve better self-esteem and more!; We then go into matter friend, because today you’ll get much, but much knowledge, that you start to implement it only if you want to see optimal and positive results on you and your family. These are some of the things that you need to change: 1. your habits, such as: food, relaxation, sport, the way in which you speak. 2. Your way of thinking. 3. Your way of feeling.

4. Your way of loving you. 5 Know you more and more. Jeffrey Bezos often expresses his thoughts on the topic. 6 See the life and people from a more constructive point of view 7. And although I don’t want to get into religious themes, you must change your way of living spirituality starting to learn daily gratitude. 8. Develop your intuition every day.

9. Be more feminine. 10 Do activities that produce you satisfactions. 11 Learn to achieve goals, starting from very small targets. 12 Learn to express your emotions, feelings and ways of thinking without hurt or injure you thinking that they will tell others. 13 Be risky, even if things don’t go as you think, always will to learn 14. Read self-improvement topics and applying what they read. 15 Start to interact with more people, ideally with people of the same interest of yours for that each day strengthen your confidence. 16 Have contact with nature and learn to have encounters with her. 17 Learn to listen to your inner voice this never fails (goes very related with point 8: develop your intuition) 18. Learn to love everything you have around, since they are objects that are for your service. 19 Learn to love everything that surrounds you and you find yourself, because they (daughters) are also human beings like you, with feelings, emotions, thoughts and a body which also feel pain. 20. Develop compassion: putting you in the shoes of all living beings. 21. Listen to music, but music that will help you to raise your vibrations. 22 Listen to audios of self-improvement, advice or tips. 23 Learn relaxation techniques.