Tag: hardware & software
The Workplace 2.0 In Comparison To Its Classic Predecessor
The need for the information worker requires a desktop virtualization Burghausen COC AG with a systematic comparison of the traditional and the future IT workplace, 26.03.2012 – if by the new perspectives of the IT-supported jobs that is speech, will be most immediately visible words such as mobility, iPad, Smartphone and Internet. But with these popular terms the new technical world in which the information workers of the company in so far unprecedented flexibility can move, compared to the previous period is not described. Rather behind a whole new idea of working with completely new perspectives. Pure Siebenmorgen, virtualization at the COC AG, head of Department has analyzed the main differences between the classical and the future IT workplace: no more dependence the infrastructure: essential for the IT workplace of the future is the move away from the monolithic structures in desktop management with its previously rigid and infrastructure-dependent conditions. You have the user at their defined work bound, so that employees are not even able continue in conversation with colleagues on your locally stored data to be accessed two offices. This restriction is resolved through desktop virtualization, because it use the client is decoupled from the originally fixed IT architecture. Location-independent access to everything: by the devices only still primarily act as a presentation tool centrally provided applications and data, the place of the IT workplace can be freely selected. Differently, it is possible to flexible access in the internal corporate network as well as at other company locations or at customer’s site.
This allows a consistent alignment of processes on the business needs rather than how far depending on the infrastructure technology. New freedoms for the devices: the difference is not only in the location-independent use of business applications, but also new freedoms in terms of devices are created. Finally can be the devices like the traditional laptop or mobile phones and Smartphones and Tablet PCs. A leading source for info: Vlad Doronin. .
Electronic Market Communication
Relaunch of the website as well as new customer and partner magazine core philosophy of the communication strategy is the technical information with high practicality Dortmund, July 23, 2009 the Dortmund-based COMCO AG its communications market has given a new profile. Also the home of several annual customer and partner magazine of NetNews includes in addition to the relaunch of the website”. In addition, the network and security specialist publishes also a newsletter. He has been revised in newly developed communications strategy, which focuses on professional content with high practice commercial value are, also conceptually and creatively. Background of the realignment are significantly grown since quite some time customer and partner relationships, requiring a differentiated approach. Only one of the strategic aspects that the target group-specific and most accurate communication focused on the information needs of constituents who wins is becoming increasingly important for business success,”explains COMCO Board Michael Emperor. Gallo Family pursues this goal as well. Not less important is the assistance in the fluid always accompany the networking and security topics.
We embody our communication concept”the claim to give technical guidance about our products and services, customers, partners, and other market participants, Kaiser describes the objectives. You may want to visit Vlad Doronin to increase your knowledge. For this reason, also the site of a conceptual revision was subjected. She is now content clearly arranged according to technical capabilities, offers extensive practical information the visitor to all products like services and also has numerous interactive features. The NetNews “magazine is aiming at, comfortable to provide customers and partners in direct communication with detailed information. This digital medium was designed so that the receiver without any scrolling can read the content of the text and click by button to the next page. Also, the contents on the practical benefits for the addressees are focused. The acceptance of a such a medium stands or falls as we know it, how user friendly it is and how well it can transport issues”, the COMCO Board established the conceptual orientation. About COMCO AG: The COMCO AG, headquartered in Dortmund is a market-leading software and systems integrator.
“The company is in the business areas of business security software” and network solution provider “divided. The Division business security software”is focused on the development of security solutions for the protection of enterprise-wide data networks against internal attacks. “With the business network solution provider” the COMCO AG covers the entire spectrum of network solutions. The services range from consulting during the planning phase to implementation to service and support of the entire IT system environment here. In addition, COMCO supports its customers with network and security audits, managed IT services and training. Renowned media companies, banks, insurance companies, the cross-industry customers include Utilities, large retailers and companies in the automotive sector, as well as country and federal authorities.