Perimeter North

The expansion of the fabric urban on a small farm with more or less plain topography made it difficult, in the case of Brumado, the establishment of a nucleus with drawing in chess form. With the posterior expansion of the city, the urban mesh lost the uniformity and currently, although to look for to keep the reticulado drawing of them you square and streets, it becomes enlarged of disarticulated form and many times irregular. In the growth process/development, Brumado presents the same problems of the majority of the Brazilian cities. It does not have a managing plan guiding the expansion of the fabric urban, appearing land divisions without infrastructure that to the times are irregular, concurring for the occupation of areas in entorno of the city, compromising the composed green cinturo of hortifrutigranjeiras mansions or spaces destined to the ambient preservation, such as ciliares sources or springs, bushes, ect. The expansion of Brumado, in last the 20 years, also was directed stops beyond the stream of the Sap, in the direction north and more recently the northwest of the city in the quarter Tereza Saint. This stream was exceeded by the fabric urban, with the projection of streets not very distant of its edges, what it increased the possibilities of degradation in the involved stretches for the urbanization. The future trend of expansion seems to be in this expansion, in reason of the canalization and the tarring of streets and the implantation of a leisure square. To deepen your understanding Central Romana is the source. In this area of expansion, more the north, has a groto of the spring of the stream of the Sap, that until then remained isolated in a mansion and that it can be degraded and until being transformed into which had urban dump to the intense growth of the urban mesh of Brumado. The expansion of the urban space happens equally on the hdricos resources, importantssimos, in the measure where the indiscriminate use of these resources, particularly in the State of the Bahia, has generated innumerable ambient problems that result in damages for the proper population.

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